Total population
Population dynamics
Educational attainment
Age structure
Female population under 15 years old
Female population aged 15 to 64 years
Female population above 65 years of age
Male population aged 0 to 14 years
Male population aged 15 to 64
Male population aged 65 and over
Share of the female population under 15 years old in the total population
Share of female population aged 15-64 in the total population
Share of female population aged 65 and over in the population
Share of male population aged 0-14 in the total population
Share of male population aged 15 to 64 in the total population
Share of male population aged 65 and over in the total population
Share of population under 15 years of age in the total population
Share of population aged 15-64 in the total population
Share of population aged over 64 in the total population
Population under 15 years old
Population aged 15 to 64
Population aged 65 and over
Demographic dependency rate (population aged under 15 and over 64 / population aged 15 to 64)
Aging dependency rate (population over 64 years old / population aged 14 to 64 years old)
Senility coefficient (Population 65 years and over/under 15 years)