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Political geography
Administrative sections
Belgium by municipalityBelgium by statistical sectorBelgium by statistical sectionBelgium by electoral cantonBelgium by districtBelgium by provinceBelgium by Linguistic RegionBelgium by regionBelgium by agricultural regions in the provincesBelgium by electoral canton (new 02)Belgium by electoral canton (old)Belgium by district (old)Belgium by electoral canton (01) (old)Belgium by electoral canton (02) (old)Belgium by Linguistic Region (old)Belgium by region (old)Belgium by municipality (old)Belgium by province (old)Belgium by statistical sector 2021 (old)Belgium by statistical sector (old)Belgium by statistical section (old)
Federal elections (from2019)
Leading federal political family
Results of socialists at federal elections - House
Results of liberals at federal elections - House
Results of socio-christians at federal elections - House
Results of ecologists at federal elections - House
Results of regionalists at federal elections - House
Results of far-right at federal elections - House
Federal elections (2014)
Leading federal political family
Results of socialists at federal elections - House
Results of liberals at federal elections - House
Results of socio-christians at federal elections - House
Results of ecologists at federal elections - House
Results of regionalists at federal elections - House
Results of far-right at federal elections - House
Federal elections (1999 to 2014)
Evolution of the federal elections
Regional elections (from 2014)
Leading regional political family
Results of socialists at regional elections
Results of liberals at regional elections
Results of socio-christians at regional elections
Results of ecologists at regional elections
Results of regionalists at regional elections
Results of far-right at regional elections
Regional elections (1999 to 2014)
Evolution of the regional elections
Evolution of socialists in regional
Provincial elections (2006 - 2012)

Landscape, rural areas and agriculture
Land use
Average Area of Residential Parcels
Land Use: Evolution
Agricultural holdings
Number of full-time farms
Average area of full-time farms
Number of part-time operations
Part-time farms as a percentage of total farms
Average area of part-time farms
Percentage of farms with a manager under 45 years old
Percentage of farms where the farm manager is over 65 years old
Total labor force (UTA) per farm
Percentage gezinspersoneel in het totale personeelsbestand (UTA)
Percentage of farms whose legal status is a legal person
Percentage of farms whose legal status is a natural person
Percentage of farms with a successor
Average surface area of farms with successors
Percentage of farm area with a successor
Average area of farms without successors
Complementary activities
Agricultural land an their evolution
Livestock and its evolution
Orientation of farms - OTE
Average area of farms specialising in field crops
Average area of specialized outdoor horticultural farms
Average area of specialized greenhouse horticultural farms
Average area of farms specialising in permanent crops
Average area of horticultural farms with other types of horticulture
Average area of farms specialising in grazing livestock
Average area of specialized off-farm animal production farms (granivores)
Average size of polyculture farms
Percentage of the total number of grassland farms in relation to the total number of farms
Average area of livestock farms with grazing livestock orientation
Average area of poly-livestock farms with granivore orientation
Average area of mixed crop and livestock farms
Farms by type of production
Evolution of the total number of farms
Evolution of the number of farms with cereals for grain
Evolution of the number of farms with industrial crops
Evolution of the number of farms with potatoes
Evolution of the number of farms with outdoor vegetables, including non-permanent fruit crop
Evolution of the number of farms with greenhouse crops
Evolution of the number of farms with orchards
Evolution of the number of farms with permanent grassland
Evolution of the number of farms with cattle
Evolution of the number of farms with pigs
Evolution of the number of farms with poultry

Buildings area
Total surface area of houses
Total surface area of flats
Total surface area of commercial buildings
Total surface area of industrial and craft buildings
Total surface area of offices buildings
Total surface area of hotels, restaurants and cafes (HoReCa)
Total surface area of cultural, recreational and sports buildings
Total surface area of social and hospital buildings
Total surface area of teaching buildings
Total surface area of cult buildings
Total surface area of castles
Total surface area of public buildings
Land use evolution (30 years)
Evolution of the surface of cadastral parcels with housing function between two reference years
Cadastral income
Total of all cadastral income
Cadastral incomes of houses
Cadastral incomes of flats
Cadastral incomes of commercial buildings
Cadastral incomes of industrial buildings
Cadastral incomes of offices buildings
Cadastral incomes of hotels, restaurants and cafes (HoReCa)
Cadastral incomes of public buildings
Dwelling size
Proportion of housing below 35 m² in 2001
Proportion of housing between 35 and 55 m² in 2001
Proportion of housing between 55 and 85 m² in 2001
Proportion of housing between 85 and 105 m² in 2001
Proportion of housing between 105 and 125 m² in 2001
Proportion of housing greater than 125 m² in 2001
Proportion of dwellings with 7 rooms or more
Flats by build period
Number of apartments
Total number of flats
Number of apartment buildings
Number of apartment buildings built between 2012 and 2023
Number of apartment buildings built between 2002 and 2011
Number of apartment buildings built between 1992 and 2001
Number of apartment buildings built between 1982 and 1991
Number of apartment buildings built between 1971 and 1981
Number of apartment buildings built between 1962 and 1970
Number of apartment buildings built between 1946 and 1961
Number of apartment buildings built between 1919 and 1945
Number of apartment buildings built before 1919
Number of apartment buildings built at an unknown date
nouvel indicateur 40
nouvel indicateur 39
nouvel indicateur 38
nouvel indicateur 37
Number of inhabited flats built between 1961 and 1970
Number of inhabited flats built between 1946 and 1960
Number of inhabited flats built between 1919 and 1945
Number of inhabited flats built before 1919
nouvel indicateur 41
Proportion of flats built after 2000 in the total number of flats
Proportion of flats built between 1991 and 2000
Proportion of flats built between 1981 and 1990
Proportion of flats built between 1971 and 1980
Proportion of flats built between 1961 and 1970
Proportion of flats built between 1946 and 1960
Proportion of flats built between 1919 and 1945
Proportion of flats built before 1919
Individual houses by build period
Building permits
Real estate prices
Average median sale price of ordinary residential houses
Average median sale price of apartments, flats, studios
Average median sale price of building land
Average selling price of ordinary houses
Average selling price of flats
Evolution of the average median sale price of apartments, flats, studios
Evolution of the average median sale price of ordinary residential houses
Evolution of the average median sale price of building land
Number of houses with garden
Number of houses without garden
Proportion of houses with garden
Proportion of houses with pleasure garden
Proportion of houses with kitchen garden
Proportion of houses with mixed garden
Proportion of houses with garden less than 50 m²
Proportion of houses with garden from 50 to 300 m²
Proportion of houses with garden of over 300 m²
Evolution real estate prices
Types of dwellings by build period

Economic activities
Gross domestic product
Added value
Professional, scientific and technical activities; administrative and support service activities
Employment NSSO by sector
Emploi du secteur Agriculture, sylviculture et pêche (codes NACE 01, 02, 03) dans l'emploi salarié total
Proportion of the employment in the sector of Agriculture, forestry and fishery (NACE 01, 02,03)
Emploi du secteur Industries et industries extractives (codes NACE 04 à 32) dans l'emploi salarié total
Emploi du secteur Réparation et installation de machines et d'équipements (codes NACE 33) dans l'emploi salarié total
Part de l'emploi du secteur Production et distribution d'énergie (codes NACE 35-36) dans l'emploi salarié total
Proportion of the employment in the sector of Energy production and distribution (NACE 35-36)
Part de l'emploi du secteur Assainissement, déchets, récupération (codes NACE 37-39) dans l'emploi salarié total
Part de l'emploi du secteur Commerce et réparation automobile (code NACE 45) dans l'emploi salarié total
Proportion of the employment in the sector of Trade and repair of automobile vehicles (NACE 45)
Part de l'emploi du secteur Commerce de gros (sauf automobile) (code NACE 46) dans l'emploi salarié total
Part de l'emploi du secteur Commerce de détail (sauf automobile) (code NACE 47) dans l'emploi salarié total
Part de l'emploi du secteur Transport, entreposage, activités de poste et de courrier (codes NACE 49-53) dans l'emploi salarié total
Proportion of the employment in the sector of Transport, warehousing and postal services (NACE 49-53)
Part de l'emploi du secteur Édition, information et communication (codes NACE 58-63) dans l'emploi salarié total
Proportion of the employment in the sector of Information and communication (publishing, film and television, telecommunications, computer activities) (NACE 58-63)
Part de l'emploi du secteur Activités financières et d'assurance (codes NACE 64-66) dans l'emploi salarié total
Proportion of the employment in the sector of Financial and insurance activities (NACE 64-66)
Part de l'emploi du secteur Activités immobilières (code NACE 68) dans l'emploi salarié total
Part de l'emploi du secteur Services aux entreprises (activités juridiques, comptables, ingénierie, gestion, publicité, sécurité,…), recherche et développement, location (codes NACE 69-75, 77-78, 80-82) dans l'emploi salarié total
Part de l'emploi du secteurs Administration publique et défense, sécurité sociale, enseignement, soins médicaux, activités sociales et médico-sociales (codes NACE 84-88) dans l'emploi salarié total
Proportion of the employment in the sector of Public administration, defense, social security, education, health, social services (NACE 84-88)
Part de l'emploi du secteur Activités artistiques et de spectacle, bibliothèques, musées, jeux de hasard, sport et activités récréatives (codes NACE 90-93) dans l'emploi salarié total
Proportion of the employment in the sector of Arts, libraries, museums, sports, entertainment (NACE 90-93)
Part de l'emploi du secteur Organisations associatives (code NACE 94) dans l'emploi salarié total
Part de l'emploi du secteur Réparation d'ordinateurs et de biens personnels et domestiques (codes NACE 95-98) dans l'emploi salarié total
Proportion of the employment in the sector of Repair of computers and personal goods (NACE 95-98)
Part de l'emploi du secteur Activités extra-territoriales (code NACE 99) dans l'emploi salarié total
Evolution employment NSSO by sector
Evolution of the number of workers employed in the sector of Industry (NACE: 04-33)
Evolution of the number of workers employed in the sector of Retail trade (NACE: 47)
Evolution of the number of workers employed in the sector of Financial and insurance activities (NACE: 64-66)
Evolution of the number of workers employed in the sector of Public administration, defense, social security, education, health, social services (NACE 84-88)
Employment NSSO by indutrial sector
Total employment NSSO in the industry
Proportion of the employment in the sector of Food industry (NACE 10-11)
Proportion of the employment in the sector of Textile, clothing and leather industry (NACE 13-15)
Proportion of the employment in the sector of Wood industry (NACE 16)
Proportion of the employment in the sector of Paper industry (NACE 17)
Proportion of the employment in the sector of Printing (NACE 18)
Proportion of the employment in the sector of Coking, refining, chemistry and pharmaceuticals (NACE 19-22)
Proportion of the employment in the sector of Manufacture of metal products, machinery and equipment (NACE24,25,28)
Proportion of the employment in the sector of Electrical, electronic and IT products (NACE 26-27)
Proportion of the employment in the sector of Manufacture of motor vehicles and other transport equipment (NACE 29-30)
Proportion of the employment in the sector of Furniture (NACE 29-30)
Total number of self-employed workers, pensioners not included
Total number of self-employed workers a principal occupation
Proportion of self-employed people as a principal activity working in the agriculture and fishery sector
Proportion of self-employed people as a principal activity working in the industry and craft sector
Proportion of self-employed people as a principal activity working in the trade and services sector
Proportion of self-employed people as a principal activity working in the liberal professions sector
Total number of self-employed workers as a secondary occupation
Proportion of self-employed workers in a secondary occupation
Active population and unemployment
Labour force participation rate: proportion of the labour force (employed or unemployed actively looking for work) in the population aged 15 to 64 years
Unemployment rate
Unemployment rate: proportion of unemployed workers in the total labour force (employed and unemployed)
Active population and socio-economic status (Census 2011)
Employed workers
Employed helping
Not employed
Work rate (15-64 years)
Rate of employement (15-64 years)
Rate of unemployement (15-64 years)
Employed workforce based on the workplace
Employed workforce based on the place of residence
Ratio between the employed workforce based on the workplace and the employed workforce based on the place of residence
Part des salariés dans la population active occupée totale selon le lieu de résidence
business in the total employed active population by place of residence
Proportion of frontier workers in the total employed workforce based on the place of residence
Total employed female workforce (based on the place of residence)
Proportion of women in the total employed workforce based on the place of residence
Proportion of women in the total employed workforce based on the workplace
Proportion of the total employed workforce (based on the place of residence) working in Brussels-Capital Region
Proportion of the total employed female workforce (based on the place of residence) working in Brussels-Capital Region
Population at 01/01

Total population
Population with developing country nationality (Africa, Asia (excluding Japan), Central and South America, Mexico)
Population with the nationality of a North American country (except Mexico), Japan, or Australia
Percentage of naturalized Belgian foreigners by municipality of residence out of the total population of foreign origin
Typology of population based on nationality (1st January 2001)
Typology of population based on nationality (1st January 2011)
Population dynamics
Typology of fertility by age for 2010
Typology of fertility by age for 2001-2002 period
Educational attainment
Population aged 18 and over, not in education, with higher education diploma
Ratio between the population aged 20 and over, not in education, with a higher education diploma and the total population aged 18 and over
Ratio between the population aged 18 and over, not in education, with university diploma and the total population aged 18 and over
Employed workforce based on workplace with higher education diploma
Proportion of the workforce (based on workplace) with higher eduction diploma.
Proportion of the workforce (based on workplace) with university diploma
Age structure
Demographic dependency rate (population aged under 15 and over 64 / population aged 15 to 64)
Age structure - evolution
Typology age structure
Tax revenue
Serious injuries in 2007 due to a traffic accident
Deaths in 2007 due to a traffic accident
Numbers of accidents
Number of households estimating their environment ill equipped according to the criterion: public transport
Proportion of households estimating their environment ill equipped according to the criterion: public transport
Number of cars
Number of cars per household

Causes of mortality
Average standardised number of deaths from malignant neoplasm of colon, of rectosigmoid junction, of rectum, of anus and anal canal
Average standardised number of deaths from malignant neoplasm of liver and intrahepatic bile ducts, of pancreas
Average standardised number of deaths from malignant neoplasm of trachea, of bronchus and lung
Average standardised number of deaths from endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases
Average standardised number of deaths from external causes of morbidity and mortality
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